
'The words and images of plants'

Excitement and Calmness - Lamiaceae - Mint family

According to the Sensation Method, patients who need a remedy from the plant kingdom express themselves in opposite polarities. One sensation and the opposite can be observed.

For the mint family (Lamiaceae) themes like excitement, exhilaration, rush of ideas, vivacity etc. can stand on one site and the other site shows i.e. themes like calmness, numbness, disinterest etc.
Many plants from the mint family belong to the traditional mediterranean kitchen herbs (thyme, rosemary, basil). These herbs lend joy, flavor and color to cooking. Others, like Lavender (s. below) are well know for their ability to calm one down.

In preparation for the upcoming issue of Spectrum for Homeopathy „Lamiaceae and Piperaceae“, I was focussing my photography on plants from the mint family over the last weeks.

There are more exciting plants to explore in the gallery:


Vitex agnus-castus Mönchspfeffer

Vitex agnus castus - Mönchspfeffer - Chaste Tree

Lavandula angustifolia Echter Lavendel

Lavandula angustifolia - Echter Lavendel - English Lavender

Lycopus exaltatus Hoher Wolfstrapp

Lycopus exaltatus - Hoher Wolfstrapp - Gypsywort or bugleweed

Lamium maculatum Gefleckte Taubnessel

Lamium maculatum - Gefleckte Taubnessel mit einer Hummel - Spotted deadnettle with a bumble-bee

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