
'The words and images of plants'
February 2016

Spring is in the air - Crocus vernus - Iridaceae

Crocus vernus (Spring Crocus, Giant Crocus) is a species in the Iris family (Iridaceae), native to the Alps, the Pyrenees, and the Balkans.
The flower looks very similar to the saffron crocus, which is homoeopathically in use. Crocus sativus, commonly known as saffron crocus, or autumn crocus is best known for the spice saffron, which is produced from parts of the flowers.

According to the Cronquist system, Crocus belongs to the Iris family (Iridaceae).

More related members you can find here:

Crocus vernus Frühlingskrokus Spring crocus
Image 1: Crocus vernus, taken on 7th February 2016.

Crocus vernus Frühlingskrokus Spring crocus-2

Image 2: Crocus vernus, taken on 7th February 2016.
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